Saturday, February 11, 2006

Weird things impress me

I say, let me try this blog thing. Today, I was driving somewhere or the other. It was a regular day just like any other. No UFOs popping out of the sky and such. Anyway, so I had stopped at this red light. I usually do this countdown thing where I guess when the light will go green ("okay.. 5. 4...!") but just when I went "zero" another car speed right past me. The driver had correctly anticipated the change of the signal well before he/she ever got to the intersection! And my doing it is not very impressive because I sort of cheat. You know your signal is going to go green when the perpendicular road's signal goes red (but my roommates haven't figured that out yet so they are quite impressed by my unfailing ability to predict it). But this person couldn't possibly have seen the other signal! I wanted to know who this person was who had so earned my respect, so I chased after the car going quite a bit over the speed limit. If it was a girl I was in love, I had decided. Finally the car turned into a driveway somewhere, and I myself had to time an overtaking manouvre well to look inside the car before it disappeared. It was some guy. But still. He was cool.

Well I'm never...

... going to be able to keep this blog active. But I have one and that's what's important. Eh? Or not. At least. now I can comment on your blogs.